The Greater London Bus Map

About The Greater London Bus Map

The Greater London Bus Map Sample

The Greater London Bus Map series is based on the style of London Transport's maps of the late '70s. It shows the complete bus network in and around London, including school routes and night buses, regardless of operator. New editions are normally produced each year. There is an enlarged map of the Central London area which also shows some places of interest. The maps include a comprehensive route list giving details of all London Bus routes, including days of operation and operator. The map is privately-produced in my spare time, and raises money to make a charity donation to a different worthwhile cause for each issue.

The Map provides information covering all buses in and around London which is helpful for anyone wanting to travel by bus in London, those within the transport industry, enthusiasts and people wanting details of night buses or school buses. It is now the only map showing the entire London bus network as TfL no longer produces its own bus maps.
The Greater London Bus Map is not an official publication of TfL, but their assistance and co-operation is gratefully acknowledged. Timetables issued by County Councils and many bus operators also help in compiling the information.

You can see a few Reviews about my maps on my Reviews page.

The Greater London Bus Maps Set

The Greater London Bus Map No.42

The 42nd issue is correct to 26th April 2025 and costs just £2.00 (2.00 GBP), including a charity donation to the London Bus Museum. Please use the menu above for further information, including details of how to obtain copies.

Some copies of back issues are still available, although issue No.1 is now only available as a Digital Download, and a few other issues are also in short supply. A complete set of 42 maps costs £50.00 (50.00 GBP) - issue No.1 is a Digital Download and issues 2-42 are printed maps, post free to UK addresses . If you are interested in these maps and wish to fill any gaps, back issues are available direct from my shop. Issues 2-31 cost £1.50 (1.50 GBP), issues 32-41 cost £2.00 (2.00 GBP).

The Greater London Bus Map Historical Series Set

Historical editions are also available. These show the London bus network at several crucial snapshots in time: 1934, 1939, 1940, 1943, 1946, 1952, 1958, 1964, 1970 and 1976.
These are also available as Digital Downloads from my shop.